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Marvel Studios plans to reveal one of their portrayed superhero is gay

EW has reported that the Marvel Cinematic Universe will soon be taking a major step forward for LGBTQ+ representation as the directors of “Avengers: Endgame” had revealed one of their portrayed characters is gay, but fan’s just don’t know it yet.

screen grab from avengers: Endgame
Photo Credit: Marvel Studios

In a recent interview on EW Morning Live, “Avengers: Endgame” filmmakers, Joe and Anthony Russo stopped by to talk about the success of their latest block buster hit. During that interview, the brothers also discussed the fact that one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Superhero Characters will be revealed as gay in an upcoming film and according to the brothers, it’s someone fans already know.

Joe and Anthony Russo at EW
Photo Credit: EW Morning Live

In the scene, Joe’s character reveals how he went on a date for the first time since the galaxy-shattering event, and describes the sad dinner he had with the other man who was also still in mourning.

During the interview, the topic came up when show’s hosts asked the Russo brothers about the small part Joe played in Endgame as a grieving gay man in a therapy session, which their to show how ordinary people were dealing with the loss of loved ones after Thano’s snap and it wiped out half of everyone.

In the scene, Joe’s character reveals how he went on a date for the first time since the event, and describes the sad dinner date he had with the other man who was also still in mourning.

“It was an integral scene to show how the world was reacting to what happened at the end of Infinity War,” Joe said.

Ross, who is one of the morning show’s hosts, quickly replied to Joe’s response by asking him to clarify if his character was truly the first out gay character in a Marvel film, which is when the Russo brothers revealed the small tidbit of the unidentified Marvel character.

“Yes, openly gay,” Joe emphasized. “There’ve been insinuations about other characters’ sexuality, but this is the first openly gay character.”

Shaw had asked “Who else is gay?”

Joe said “Uhhh, We’re gonna find out!”

Anthony replied “That’s a story for another day.”

Here is the full interview:


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