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Toddler’s Temporary Spider-Man Inspired Headstone Removed From Maidstone Cemetery

Toddler’s Temporary Spider-Man Inspired Headstone Removed From Maidstone Cemetery

Toddler’s Temporary Spider-Man Inspired Headstone Removed From Maidstone Cemetery

A grieving family of a toddler named, Ollie Jones have been told to remove a temporary headstone marking their little boy’s grave. Earlier this month Disney told Ollie Jones’ family they could not put a Spider-Man headstone at the four-year-old’s grave in Maidstone Cemetery.

Ollie Jones, 4, died in December after battling leukodystrophy, a rare genetic disease. The boy was buried at Maidstone Cemetery, which is where the boy’s father, Lloyd, wanted to mark his grave with a specially designed “Spider-Man” headstone. Spider-Man was 4 year old Olie’s favorite character, the family even made a point to make his funeral themed after the web-slinging character in his honor.

Lloyd Jones put up a temporary Spider-Man marker at his son Ollie's grave in Maidstone

Since then the family has gained worldwide support as it fights to preserve Ollie’s memory.

Ollie’s dad Lloyd said: “We put up a temporary plastic grave last week. I loved it and I’m sure Ollie does too.

“The council told us to take it down as soon as they found out. They told us we couldn’t have it.”

Lloyd was speaking days after being released from hospital, after the father-of-six suffered with severe chest pains brought on by stress.

Ollie Jones was a big fan of the superhero

In the past month the family has been gained attention from media in the US, Europe and Asia, all wanting to hear about Disney’s refusal.

The media giant turned down the Jones’ request, saying it wanted to “preserve the innocence” of its characters.

Ollie with his dad Lloyd Jones, from Barming in Maidstone

A US copyright lawyer has now contacted the family offering to take Disney on, pro-bono, to get Ollie’s headstone approved.

Mr Jones said: “My brother got a letter through from a lawyer. It says he has taken on Disney before and won.

“I don’t know exactly how it all works, but it’s nice there’s all this support.”

More than 140,000 people have signed a petition asking to Disney to reconsider the Jones request to have permission to put spider-man on their 4 year son’s headstone, last week Faversham and Mid Kent MP Helen Whately made the same request.

Disney has not yet responded to the petition.

A Maidstone Borough Council spokeswoman said: “Sadly, all types of headstones have to adhere to copyright and whilst we understand that this is a very emotional time for the family, we have asked them to remove it.

“Maidstone Borough Council Bereavement Services team will do everything they can to help the family.”

What are your thoughts? My lovely daughter came up with the idea that maybe someone can laser engrave/draw Ollie in a spider-man costume and call him spider-kid, maybe that might get around the copyright.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Jones family.

Source: Kent Online

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